Some old Queen or other

Actually it is Queen Anne (1665 - 1714), outside St Paul's looking towards the Occupy London encampment.

I wonder what she would make of all these people, exercising their right to protest. Popping off to pick up their benefits cash, most of them allegedly sleeping in comfy beds at home...

I am glad we live in a society where we can protest and I have to say that from what I have read about the camp they have acted with a level of dignity beyond the level many expected, this is to be applauded. They have many valid points.

Anyway I walked past the camp today on my way between meetings. It seems pretty well organised (nice touch about leaving a toilet for children as well I thought) but there were hardly any people there and those that were there were either talking to the media, wearing masks which would have scared the shit out of my children or looked like they had just crawled out of a gutter.
I was approached by a protester, and I have to say that if you want to accost a passer by and expect to enter into a serious conversation, then do not berate them, maybe make sure you have brushed the few teeth you have left and understand the concept of personal space, especially if you are unable to maintain a reasonable level of personal hygiene.. I do not like people being 'in my face' especially if they make assumptions about me based on what I look like. I'm sure that this chap was an exception but really people, sort out your movement... Oh and if you want to protest about globalization then possibly not using the local starbucks and pointing Japanese cameras at people might help.

As I left London I read that they had lost their case and will be evicted, this is a shame as many of their points have some validity, they just need some proper PR......

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