
By Nigel

Queen's Park Ranger

Whom Newcastle beat by one slim goal to nil. It was very much touch and go and despite feeling like we had it in the bag the stats after the match showed that despite the lion's share of possession QPR were not too far away from scraping a draw with something like 17 shots on target to our 6.

Didn't feel well when I got up but after doing some washing I decided that I would brave the elements and head to the pub to watch the game having missed the 3-0 win against Man. Utd. On the way I slipped on some black ice that was occupying a very small patch of black tarmac in an otherwise totally dry stretch of grey pavement and banged both my knees quite horribly, testament to how cold it has suddenly become. Not the most exciting game but we go above the (hideously racist) Liverpool for a while at least and after a couple of BSDAs the whole falling down incident was pleasantly forgotten.

Bought a bottle of Spanish wine from Villeneuve on the way back home because it not only had a nice label but the grape variety was 'Bobal'. Not sure at all but it went down OK.

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