Emergency Water Blip

Lacking inspiration after a mad day at work, so you lot are getting some tap water.

Tough day in the office, boss set me a challenge to produce a report to "specific" criteria - Obviously I improved & refined the request - Produced the reports as requested but gave additional information to further breakdown/summarise the massive amount of information - Boss impressed, asked if I could do maybe X & Y, so I done X & Y & Z (Repeat a few times).

I am now a very proud (And tired) bunny. I have created a totally new process in the office for dealing with satisfaction surveys for the Scottish Government Energy Assistance Package - There was nothing really in place for it before, no one to really analyse the raw data. Now, I am proud to say, we have a clear process map that is both easy to use & audit - And essentially, updates in real time to show potential bottlenecks and expose issues before they overcome us.

Sadly it looks like I will be back on the phones in a couple of weeks time answering Gas/Electric queries - Would everyone consider not phoning British/Scottish Gas?, I will miss working in the department I am in just now - They seem to appreciate the hard work and recognise my talent for dealing with data methodically and being able to present it simply (So much so that my information is now presented to the Scottish Government liaison team rather than being re-worked etc)

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