Starry Eyed Surprise

By bellerock

A Cake Wreck.....

is any cake that is unintentionally sad, silly, creepy, inappropriate - you name it.

Claire created this wonderfully personalised ' chicken riding a vespa' decoration for Mr G's birthday cake but you guessed that didn't you?

and you weren't thinking 'a cock on a cock' were you?

(Mr G and I wet ourselves laughing when we sneaked a peek at it last night)

But this cake is not just an ordinary cake wreck, this is an amazingly top of the class cake wreck that goes the extra also tastes absolutely vile.

I made this monster with it's break a window texture that tastes like boiled underpants.

Hand on heart, I have never, ever made such a disgusting cake and it wasn't intentional...honest.

So after we sang Happy Birthday to Mr G and the flame throwers fountain sparkler thingies had smoked the kitchen out, Mr G cut through the fog to try to cut his cake.

10 minutes and a saw and a chisel later...success! Only then to be thwarted again by the taste. *sticks fingers in throat*

Luckily, we all saw the funny side of this disaster and enjoyed a good hearty chuckle.

I have promised to buy a birthday cake and do a take two on the 'birthday cake scene' this weekend, when we can look back and laugh (again) at this memorable cake wreck.

Cake Wrecks is just about finding the funny in unexpected, sugar-filled places.

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