
By RustyKlicker

Winter at last

Looks particularly sugary in Large

Another attempt to return to blip failed over xmas. A few images were blipped but nothing worthwhile and only from the iphone, which I do find handy I must say.

Anyway, I thought I would try and grab a shot of the first proper frost we have had here this year, which is amazing given that we can get snow in almost any month of the year normally.

I like the shot I got as it looks a little like a sugar coated treat. Lovely.

I won't bore anyone with the details yet, but the new business venture, mentioned in a blip long ago, is going well but taking up all my time at the moment, including weekends, so less time for Blipping than I thought.

Perhaps I should have made a new year resolution to blip more, but these never last long in my experience anyway.

I hope you are all well and sticking to your own resolutions!!

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