Kirstie Gossage

By KirstieG

Day 16 - Long Exposure

I thought today would be the first challenge I would duck out of purely due to time. I took my camera to work and in the end I was able to pop to a bridge over the busy road near the Snowdome. It was positively freezing cold and after just ten minutes I thought my fingers were going to drop off. Must admit I love the sunset in the background of this too :)

As it's Monday I am now at the mother in laws having a G&T - it is the best part of a Monday.

Two days in London are ahead of me and they will be long days so I am savouring the Relax tonight. I cooked a curry from scratch yesterday for tonight's dinner so I am looking forward to that.

And that's your lot - officially the most boring write up Ive ever done!

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