Maid in Cornwall

By curlycarrie

A cat or a nothing

And as it's been a nothing for a few days now, a cat it is!! This is once again Mr Florence the dressing gown humping perv cat, do not be fooled by that innocent face. He's a dirty beast, pure and simple

And so on to a bit of that honest stuff, because it helps me and this is my journal. I've got to admit that I've let my little battle get me down a bit these last few days. Had a slightly disheartening appointment with the consultant on Thursday, which just happened to coincide with the 2 year anniversary since I lost my dear mate Lou to this bastard disease. It was't even say the word day on Friday and it was last resort time. The side effects were getting to the point that if this one didn't go well it would have to be stopped. They trialled me on a 'wonderdrug' though and although It's still pretty shit, at least I haven't had the endless vomiting and nausea to contend with this time so it's looking like we'll be able to carry on with it. It just makes me so angry that this drug is only used as a last resort because of price. How can it be justified that pharmaceutical companies can put profit above making the unbearable slightly more bearable for everyone?! It's just bloody wrong. But I'm feeling more hopeful now, the fighting spirit is rearing it's head again but I guess I have to accept that this isn't an easy thing to go through and having low patches is perfectly normal whereas trying to grin all the way through it probably isn't so normal!!. I won't beat myself up about it anymore.
So as ever, onwards and upwards :)

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