Scotland The World Over and the Referendum.

I took part in Scotland The World Over!

I thought that my final Saltire blip should be against a background of the referendum news that is flooding the papers and air waves at the moment.

It is amuses me to read that a greater percentage of the English want Scottish Independence than do the Scots. Perhaps Salmond should allow the English a vote in the referendum in order to help his cause.

The mighty having fallen, literally, has prompted his Lordship and me to review the facilities for getting in and out of baths and showers.

We are fortunate enough to have 'his' and 'her' showers and baths none of which has any sort of grip to help entry. The baths in particular are so deep that they could provide a training area for undersea divers with oxygen cylinders.

The designer of our bathrooms obviously didn't have in mind people of advancing years who might finding it daunting to have to step into a bath about 3 feet deep without anything to hang onto.

And so we are now in receipt of some chrome grips which, when we can come to an agreement about where they are to be put, should prevent broken limbs, although coming to an agreement is not of course going to be easy given the difference in our athleticism and visual appreciation. Not easy at all.
There's much to be said for autocracy.

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