Ch Ch Ch Chilly !!!
Morning all
Back at work this morning.......and what a bleedin cold one it is.......-10 degrees out should be cancelled on mornings like this, free heating for all, Hot chocolate and marshmallows for me ;0)
Left for work this morning and was met by this, freezin fog.......not good, glad I was up with the larks for this.
Had a very successful debate with the neighbour this morning as he was heading off too, about the merits of scrapers on your windscreen. Said neighbour prefers the 'all mod cons' super soft rubber handle, scrape to any depth for a £4.00 scraper purchased from the ......I use a CD case......Wide scrape, never failed to any depth yet....and you get music too......your choice as can you beat that...........other than get someone else up to do it all for you lol ;0)
But that ain't gonna happen !!! ;0)
My view this morning is looking down on the Gas Terminal opposite us on
the River. Driving in this morning, looked down to it and liked the trees backlit by the lights and the fog swirling about within.......was going to go with the link......but now you've got 2 for the price of 1, welcome to Pappa G's Monday 2 for 1 offer....please come back again soon !!! ;0)
Have a great day........and please careful out there !!! ;0)
TTFN ;0)
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