Jane's place

By Jas2Jar

Syrian Onion bread.

For christmas I was given a book called the Bread Bible.
I've always enjoyed making bread there is something satisfying about it. The dough is a living beast that you can form into something that's a delight to your taste buds.
I have never really been brave enough to go beyond the basic loaves or rolls, but now armed with this book I am getting adventurous.
Today I made these Syrian onjon breads, which were fabulous on there own and even better with a little melted cheese on.
For breakfast in the morning, we have brioche buns, which were a bit faffy to make but the flavor was worth the effort.

I would recommend to anyone who has never tried to make bread, to give it a go, its really easy and nothing tastes better than a slice of bread straight from the oven covered in butter.

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