all about vanilla...

...with just 2 ingredients

no - i haven't turned to alcohol!

i discovered that it's the easiest thing ever to make homemade vanilla extract... and i love vanilla... all things vanilla

...vanilla ice cream
...vanilla candles
...vanilla pudding
...vanilla milk shakes

some people believe that vanilla is bland - boring - ordinary... they have such a total misperception...

all i needed to do was split open these wonderful organic vanilla beans - and the aroma that enveloped me was overwhelming... i found myself almost drooling - and just about wanted to bathe in it...

but - i digress from the fact that making your own extract requires but 2 easy ingredients... the fragrant vanilla bean and a good quality vodka...

so you split the beans - put them into a small, sterilized bottle... cover to the top with the vodka and that's it. then you only need to have the patience to allow it to steep about 5 or 6 weeks... shaking every few days or so... and then refill with the vodka after every use - it will be a forever extract for you... how cool is that? and much cheaper than store bought - plus it makes for...


happy day.....

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