Sleepy Cherryblossom

By CherryBee

Refections on Academy St, Inverness.

Had to embark upon a book buying mercy mission today. The mission of mercy being my sanity having finished the only book I brought with me and realising to my horror that I'd packed up everything else in boxes (still awaiting transport to Edinburgh, which will hopefully happen soon) the last time I was here. So a trip to Waterstone's was in order. I've read far too much recently that's been well written but seriously depressing, or depressingly serious, so I wanted something really enjoyable I could get my teeth into, something absorbing. I opted for David Mitchell's The Thousand Autumns of Jacob de Zoet. Fingers crossed it's as good as I've heard it is, especially as it hurt me more than I can say to pay full price for anything in Waterstone's! (I'm a bitter ex-bookseller!) I know, I should have got it online...
But it was an emergency, fiction needed today. Stat!

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