Life with The Pinks

By suzypink

Balance Bike

What a day.

We started off really well. We got up and went swimming which was fab, the mini pinks had a blast. Then on Master Pink's request we had some lunch at the golden arches. It kind of went down hill from there. We had a bit of a fall out over a balloon, which escalated into a major crying/screaming episode from master Pink, which continued most of the afternoon. To break away from it, I suggested he took his scooter out for a bit, and Miss Pink could bring her balance bike. That all went well, for about half an hour, and then the minute we were home the crying/screaming shouted again. sigh. It kind of carried on like this until bedtime.

So there I've moaned. Sorry.

Anyway - Miss Pink and her balance bike, she was very cute with it, walking over the top and not sitting on it, but it's all steps in the right direction.

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