Hear that noise??

yeah, you do, listen really hard......It's a sort of scraping noise, dull wooden scratchy sound.

It's me scraping the bottom of the barrel for a blip.

You have my toes and puppy toes, no smart remarks about the dog liking blue polish either

....I am not well, my tonsils spent all of last night trying to choke me and I am not a happy bunny due to lack of sleep! And everyone was nice to me this morning and made me cry. I don't do nice, giving or receiving.

On the up side after a day parked on my ample arse in front of the fire I am feeling a little better, am unsure whether to thank the throat lozenges, the red wine or the anti histamines tbh, but it's to be recommended to anyone I'd say.

You nearly got the toes yesterday but all the pictures made my feet look fat, but compared with Zac's feet i think they look neater.

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