Roll With It

By Falmike

Cold enough To ----------!!

Sitting in the car park at Godrevy today was not a pleasant experience, a 30mph wind combined with the temperature must have made the windchill temperature bloody cold.
However once in the water it was pleasant, prior to going in I briefed the youngsters on where to go and with a final "do not go to the right of this point" off they went.
My surfing buddies, Ben and Carolyn joined us and in we went, there followed a really good hours surfing and having fun. Towards the hours end and with a long gap between 'sets' we lay on the boards and just waited. it was with a mild jolt that I suddenly realised how far out and to the right we had drifted. As I started to paddle in the realisation dawned that my arms and shoulders ached and if I was going to reach the surf line it would be a struggle. My surfing buddies came to assist, Carolyn encouraged and pushed, Ben pulled my board out from under me, having regained my board a couple of other surfers came to assist and had me moving forward until my leash snagged Ben and I came to an abrupt stop!!
In the next instant I caught the crest of the next wave and shot into the beach at some speed I found the time to enjoy the experience in amongst the feeling of relief, the same wave 'wiped out' Carolyn.
As we moved off the beach and back to the car struggling with the boards in the wind I began to realise how strength sapping the struggle with a 9' 6" surf board in the wind can be.
Back in the car park with the children changed, warm and watching a DVD in the rear of the van I had another eureka moment, Clare has stunning good looks, the patience of a saint and other good features but the hot coffee at the rear of the van was the reason why she is my #1, the right thing at the right time. Hot coffee accompanied by Carolyn's home baked brownies and lemon slice - heaven.
Back to our surf buddies for a post surf steak baguette and glass of red wine then home to a roaring fire and an as yet undecided film.

Another great day in Cornwall

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