Was It Really So Long Ago

By LincolnGreen

Say It With Flowers

Most people would admit to failing to buy flowers for their loved ones often enough. When I say most people, of course I mean men. Its something that I'm not particularly good at and resolved to put it right, early in spring last year.

I'm confident Beloved would describe herself as a non-traditionalist, often keen to try out new things, whether it be new carpet, new bed linen, new curtains - you get the picture. So with this in mind, I was sure she'd be open to the idea of new flowers. What's more, her favourite colour is purple!

Broccoli is high in vitamin C, as well as dietary fibre; it also contains multiple nutrients with potent anti-cancer properties - yes, new flowers, purple flowers and edible flowers all in one! What could go wrong? Its got to be a win - win - win!!

Right, I'm off to the bottom of the garden to cut and arrange them, give them to Beloved with a kiss, and then cook them for tomorrow's lunch. I'll let you know how I get on...

And do have a look L A R G E ! !

edit: in other news, find out about Being Human

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