Scotland The World Over

I took part in Scotland The World Over!

Ruby needed to get some fresh air after a "sleepover" at a pals which included having a shower at 10.30pm and Supernoodles at midnight so we headed out and as Ruby had her old hoodie on from the Finland trip last year it was crying out to be blipped for the Saltire thing.

Joe was also at a "sleepover" at which he went to bed at midnight and dropped off around 2am.

It's fair to say that other kids must think our house is some kind of institution as we always pack them off to bed reasonably early and try and get them to sleep this side of midnight.

Needless to say Joe and Ruby are collapsed on the sofa watching the TV and I don't expect them to move for the rest of the day. Eve, on the other hand, has gone off for a swim with pals.

They are going to have my home made curry for dinner - they don't know that yet. Wish them, and me, luck.

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