mrs monochrome

By mrsmonochrome

Best Friends

I think we were all surprised by how much fun these two had together today. S is looking very tired here after the 90 minutes of soft play they just had! The pair were thrilled to see each other and went straight in for a cuddle and kiss.

Aidan often plays near other kids and occasionally plays a hiding/chasing game with them. Today these two were inseparable. If one was crying the other would comfort them. S hurt herself and her daddy tried to give her a cuddle and she said 'No daddy, Aidan cuddle'. Aidan, of course, obliged.

I know they don't see each other as much now that Aidan is at a different nursery but hopefully we can still meet regularly as the kids clearly enjoy each others company. Apparently since Aidan has left nursery S hasn't kissed anyone else in the play house :-)

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