Blue* #2

Is this blue enough?

* search tags - etblue. Lots of blue photos. Blah blah blah...

It has been glorious here today. I intended to walk to swimming but we were running stupidly late so I parked at Ben's work after dropping the kids off. We wandered (Red walked) round for a quick coffee and cake with Ben. Stopping on the way to wave at various crew members on RFA Argus. Then we both walked up to the leisure centre taking in the docks just for a change.

You will, I am sure, be delighted to know that Red only cried for the last 5 minutes of his lesson. Which is still an improvement...

As it was still warm and sunny, I collected Clare, Ben and a round of Choaks pasties and we hit Castle Beach for a picnic. Without coats. It was THAT warm! I believe Mr Roly is planning to blip that but I will believe it when it happens...

The big excitement was the helicopter from Culdrose flying past. I was too slow with the camera though so this is the best there is.

In other news, the electricians have replaced the consumer unit so we have light in the garage. ben is very excited about this and may well end up sleeping out there tonight to celebrate...

DAD! In answer to your question - on the blip home page (click on the thing in the top left corner) you will see 12 pictures. Underneath there are 3 "tabs" one of which is labelled search. If you type in "etblue" it will bring up all the tagged blips. But you may have to join to be able to do that...

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