Mike's area

By mikeprice


Look what Alexander arranged for my 100 Blip anniversary!!

One hundred Blips today! Never thought I would make it. There are a few gaps at the start, mostly due to the diffuculty in sending images bt having to go to the library every few days. I am sure I will find a few photos on old SD cards and the camera that I will backblip when I get time.

Anyway - a big THANKS YOU to those who have made comments - whether they were helpful, encouraging, daft, sarcastic (you know who you are!!!) or just friendly - they were all very much welcome and helped cheer me up when I was goin through a 'strange' phase.

I have tried to find a variety of stuff and not stick to one theme, otherwise I will get bored - which happens easily! Oh - and SOME of the stories may have been exagerated for artistc effect - or just because!

Finally - just thanks to all - the subscribers, those who just comment occaisionsally and those who just look!

And of course to Blip Central - who havn't deleted any of my images with 'bear' people in them !!!!


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