Today's Special

By Connections

"Find the Plane" Challenge

Just like CoveredinBees in Yorkshire, we had brilliant sunshine today -- but ours lasted for only about half an hour. Grabbing for my camera and heading for our deck (this time with shoes on, unlike yesterday), I managed to take quite a few photos of cedar-trees-dancing-with-amazing-clouds before everything turned dull and gray again.

It's interesting how photos that look stunning when you take them lose some of their appeal when you look at them on your computer. My trees-dancing-with-amazing-clouds photos looked a lot alike, except for some being horizontal and others being vertical.

Examining each jpg more closely, I detected one that had something more than Mother Nature's clouds, sky, and cedar trees -- a plane! This reminded me of the "find-the-birdie" challenge in CoveredinBees' photo today, so in homage to him, I bring you my "Find the Plane" Challenge.

If you need some help, click here.

(For another outdoor scene seen here today, check out Back Yard Breakfast.) Yes, it's a wild one.

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