And delphiniums blue

By flynnet

ASH! my saviour <3

Hello again!

well its a little wet and windy in Scarborough today and I have a banging head ache so im not venturing out, I am showered and back in bed snug as a bug :) so your stuck with an ash blip, every body's pet is the best I appreciate this but ASH is top dog to me! we got him 7 years ago when we lost are only baby boy Flynn David he was born with a brain defect I have only now starting to get over this :( we have tried for more babies but its not meant to be. I also have PCOS Polycystic ovary syndrome so the chances are slim. Anyway Ash is always here for me I no he has no choice in that but im sure he loves me as much as I love him, hes a rescue dog and one of the best natured dogs I have ever owned im sure there will be many more Ash blips in the years to come.

love c xxx

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