Ina's Snippets

By ina

Destination unknown

"Life is like riding a bicycle. (moyorcycle)
To keep your balance you must keep moving"

~ Albert Einstein ~


Worked until late last night to finish a carrybag for Gigi that I wanted to use today. At the end all 4 of us went to bed way after 12pm. We overslept a bit this morning, but nothing too serious :)

Picked up MIL (mother-in-law) and went to town. We had a small breakfast and then visited a big fabric warehouse - bought a few things - but the treat was for her to walk through the shelves and touch every piece of fabric - yeah! she is a fabriholic! She is always looking for suitable lace and material to make Barbie clothes - she makes the most beautiful Barbie wedding gowns too - it is her hobby and she enjoys making them and only sell them if she has a special request :)

Ordered pizza when I got home... my feet are aching! Going to bed early tonight, and that is a promise!

Oh, blipped this rider on my way home.


A Photographic Quote of Note:

"A technically perfect photograph
can be the world?s most boring picture."

~ Andreas Feininger ~

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