Claire of Days

By clairebee86


Excelllent day riding on trains and trying my hand at some street photography and we had actual real SUNLIIIIGHT!!! woo

I asked a lady would she stand up in the middle of the train because I liked her shoes, she was flattered and succumbed to my charm, hence this picture. Its kind of more about what this pic means to me as opposed the actual picture with this one - not being afraid to walk about with my camera taking pictures of people and everyday stuff all on ma lonesome.

I met many interesting people and got many shots I was proud of today. All in all, brilliant.

I did however get one aggressive young man say this 'uhhaha you takin a piktshure!! huhuhu' in a loud mocking manner. Gotta love neds. So naturally I followed him and took more pictures just to throw him off his game :D

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