Snippets of Life

By betho

Roast veg and cous cous

When all else fails blip your dinner. It helps when you have a nice new 50mm lens that works much better in low light than your terrible other lens does!
Today i half woke up very early with a sore throat which was even worse by the time my alarm went of. I struggled into uni and there actually enjoyed it more than i was expecting. We had to make up respiratory games for kids and so spent quite a while blowing plastic frogs across a bowl of water and making lots of bubble as we went...
Then i came home and collapsed a bit, did a bit of work, had beans of toast for lunch and went into town. I'll leave town well alone for another couple of months i think. It's altogether too tiring and money consuming (razor blades cost a stupid amount! And are unfortunately necessary... though i dare say some would tell me i could just go around with hairy legs....)
This evening i cooked, it was great. I just love veg! And now it's time for bed.

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