A MIMent In Time

By justmim

Bluuur! [Blurrr!]

Crisis prevention was the name of the game today!

My head was quite in order before that particular home assessment - safe to say I am thankful that I was just observing :]

I forget how much of a taste for chocolate I develop during placement - it's probably just as well that the only access to purchasable food I'm getting during the week is the hospital staff canteen! There is, however, an impressive array of chocolate sweets in the office and I generally never realise I want one until someone reminds me they're there, hands me the box and reminds me to eat away at them. The Cadbury's Koko truffles today were rather yum...:] possibly one of the only forms of chocolate I have the taste for regardless!

See yesterday's plan for an outside photo? This morning walking down the road for my lift I had the bright moon behind me and a wonderful pallet of pinks, blues and yellows in front of me. Where was my camera? Back in my bedroom - oops! Nevermind, it'll happen yet :]

And the blur? That was my attempt of getting a picture of the "valid from 09/09" on my student bank card as that is when I started uni...which seems an awful long time ago! However, I wasn't very successful in getting a photo that was both focused and obscuring important details - so there we have it, blur :]

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