Looking Forward...

By Fiono

Feeling trapped

This is my door sign in my flat in halls. It marks the door of the room I have been stuck in today revising. I really like patterns, especially this contrast stripy one - like prison bars. It's just Hannah and me in the flat now (Pharmacist's have all gone home for a well deserved break - 3 exams in 3 days!) and we feel trapped in here because we need to work for these exams. It'll all be over by Monday I guess.

During my facebook breaks I've noticed a really striking video appearing on some of my friend's pages. It's a very clever poem by this guy, Matt Robertson, about the difference between Christianity and organised religion. It's right on the money and explains the freedom Christ gives that church (on its own) doesn't brilliantly. Take a watch, even if it's not something you believe in yourself. It gave me a lot to think about.

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