Red Squirrel


Brown-Tail Moth Caterpillar (juvenile)

Back-blipped 11/1/2012

If I recall this was the summer when there was a virtual plague of these with their nursery webs covering entire trees and bushes in some areas - it was on the national news.
When I first spotted 2 or 3 of these webs in a blackthorn by my field pond it was some time before hatching (and before they hit the news), and I was intrigued as to what they'd turn out to be.
I checked regulaly, and once they'd hatched followed their development with interest. Not knowing what they were I avoided contact with them.
Once I'd ID'd them I was glad I hadn't touched them at all as these particular ones are not for touching! The fully developed one I've blipped from 3 weeks later, on the 10th June, shows why - those hairs apparently are quite vicious, can cause immense skin irritation and in some cases induce asthmatic attacks!

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