New Cestrian

By BHPPhoto

Argentine Tango

I don't know a lot about dancing unless it's po-going to The Buzzcocks circa 1978, Nowadays I dance like an embarrassing uncle at a wedding trying to show the kids how it's really done. My only other experience of dancing is being forced to watch celebrities I have never heard of on "Celebrity Come Dance With Me" or whatever it's called. That said I've been to a couple of ballets with Mrs Blip and have enjoyed them, maybe because I appreciate that ballet dancers are real athletes. This couple were "busking" to the Argentine Tango and they were good. A very sexy dance, I'll be learning the steps ready for my next wedding invitation. Watch and learn kids, watch and learn.

I have no idea why I decided to shoot this at 1000th second at ISO 1600. That's 25 years worth of experience for you.

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