The Simpsons

Not this bunch obviously - it is what they are watching. Which will make some recoil in horror but I care not. I like The Simpsons, Ben likes The Simpsons and this lot like The Simpsons. It is a bit like when my friends were banned from watching Grange Hill but me and my brother weren't - the joys of liberal parents!

In other news, Ally has been off school again today. I may be going a little stir crazy but luckily Clare came round for coffee, providing a much needed drop of sanity.

The electricians turned up just after 8 to let me know they weren't coming today as they had to go and see a house that had been struck by lightning...

I was supposed to be making pork surprise for tea as my parents were coming. But they are wisely staying away from the house of disease so Ben is bringing Mcdonalds home for the children. See what a poor parent I am...

Just in case anyone was wondering, they are also allowed to watch Tracy Beaker which I know is high on the banned list.

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