One too many mornings

By stevieholmes

Dear Izzy

Dear Izzy,

I went to the beach today near your house - you'd be pleased I managed to drag my carcass out of bed at dawn and go for a run! It was a gorgeous morning, as it usually is on Hove beach as you know.

I just wanted to say that I know I've not seen much of you in these last few years, your dignified and private way of managing your illness was admirable and for selfish reasons I wish I'd seen you more but you'll be pleased to know that I don't remember you in sickness, I remember you laughing, telling Dave off for being a prat, looking disapprovingly at Mags for drinking too much, for loving my shoulder massages at your desk when things got manic and John went missing for a fortnight whilst he had customers visit from Brazil!

But mostly I remember your laugh. And how absolutely sickeningly, enviably, stunningly beautiful you were. Because you simply completely were.

Today we have to say goodbye. We'll all miss you so much because we're simply selfish mortals left to carry on without you so I'll simply promise to make the most of it. To breathe, enjoy, live, laugh, run, dance, jump about, and above all love with all my heart.

Rest easy Izzy. All the love.


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