Melbourne Mosaic

Sitting at melbourne Airport waiting for my flight I thought I might as well get my blip sent off. On the way here I photographed some gum trees thinking I would blip them as I have passed about 1500 miles of them on this trip - whatever wasn't desert either side of the road was gum trees or highway barriers.

But when I arrived at the international departures I walked across this mosaic. Each time I've left Melbourne I've crossed this and have thought how impressive it is. there is a lot of local wildlife depicted in this - I've only shown a slice of it here. I really like the fact that it is functional art - part of the flooring rather than something that gets hung behind glass.

Only two more steps to my journey and I'll be home again. Christchurch tonight and then Murchison tomorrow or the next day. It will be great to sleep in my bed again and talk to my cat.

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