My Life in 2012

By Jennay


This NetBook has been giving me troubles for a while.

Let me tell you why.

First, it started to act up. I would turn it off, and when it turned back on it would have to go through a series of system restores. After about an hour it would finally boot to the login screen. It would do this almost on a Daily basis.

Then, when I went home from break I thought I lost my power cord. And this P.O.S. NetBook cannot work without it. So I ordered a new one.

The day I got the cord in the mail, I found the original one that I had lost. It was hidden in my backpack. The one place I didn't look.

So I now have two cords that I'm seriously considering tying around my NetBook and bungee cording it off a NYC bridge.

Lastly, I tried hooking up my iPod to put on music....not recognized in the USB port. Took me a week to figure out that I had not received notification of updates for my computer. So I updated it.

Now I am sitting here, using the NetBook. But you what surprises me the most? I didn't give up. I put more effort to make this laptop work so I can what? Use Facebook? How sad is that? I never put that much effort in anything in such a short amount of time.

Why am I like this? I should be concentrating on more important things....

Oh NetBook, the day you die, will be the day I break from technology. Until then, I'm going to use you...why?

Well I earned it didn't I?

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