Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

Decisions, decisions

Sorry it's not the best photo in the world - it was all I could manage tonight but here is a photo from last Saturday's landscape workshop. It's St Mary's Lighthouse

You may read on..........

I took my personal shopper, aka my Mum, to Newcastle today. We were hunting for a dress for me to wear at my birthday party on Saturday. It was quite a while before we found anything suitable. I bought a dress and a top - very nice, but neither quite what I wanted.

Since some of you have expressed an interest in the party preparations, you can now help me to chose which garment to wear. The dress, on the left, is more of a magenta colour. The top, on the right, is purple and is made of a lovely crinkly material. It has long sleeves and a frilly edging. It will go with black trousers.

Tomorrow I'm going walking, then I have to start the final preparations for guests who will be staying and for the party games.

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