
By KirstyHalbert

Pink Sky in the Morning.

Just as I was getting stuck into my first coffee job of the day at work this morning, my boss (also a keen photographer) made me come and look out of one of the other windows in the office, where there was this beautiful pink sky. This photo is unedited; just a lovely sunrise over the same wonky chimney pots as I've Blipped before... Except with one of Aberdeen's many seagulls. Sometimes I think they're more abundant than people!

I notice I'm quite often doubling-up on my Blips now with regards to location; the best thing about Scotland is how the same location can vary minute-to-minute depending on the weather. Are the days getting a bit longer or is it just wishful thinking on my part?

Off to make myself look pretty for M coming home tomorrow; yay! :)

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