Dublin Shooter

By dublinshooter


I had been told to expect a visit from a technician 'around 2:00 pm' to investigate the problem with my Freesat reception (as in total lack of it, with no channels at all behaving as they should since Sunday afternoon). I'd also been told to expect a phone call closer to the time which would give a clearer indication of when the technician would arrive, and this is what happened. When the guy duly arrived, he checked things first at the TV, then got his ladders off his van and clambered up onto the roof. As it turned out, the problem was due to a defective connection at the satellite dish. A quick repair job and I was quickly back in business.

That out of the way, off I went on a blip ramble to Sutton, with the Martello tower (previously blipped a few times before, of course) as the target. It was a beautiful evening, and I thoroughly enjoyed the refreshing walk along the seaside track. I was back home by 6:15 or so, ready for a bit of TV watching (no great choices, unfortunately).

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