Red Squirrel


Multiple Personalities

OK, so I've really been a bit naughty - I'm off work with a rotten cold, maybe an indoor blip would have been wiser than spending quite a bit of time outside on a January night. But I wrapped up very well in a thick, long jacket, and used a scarf and a wooly hat. So I was careful - I promise!
I have 2 varieties of Symphoricarpos growing adjacent to each other. As they've matured, their branches have intermingled. They're currently still covered in their autumn/winter berries. Today as I went to put something in my wheely-bin, it struck me how so very different these are in their colour and form, with the contrast in their leaf size and berry colours/sizes.
I thought how a night blip of these could show up that contrast well.
So I've just been out with my LED head-torch and camera. I pulled together some springs of berries from both, securing them into a decent spray with a clothes-peg.
And I took some shots.
I blipped the white berrries of S.albus (aka Snowberry, Waxberry or Ghostberry) on October 14th.
The S.doorenbosii (aka Coralberry) has much smaller leaves, and the berries are also much smaller , pink and white flushed.
They're not really at all alike.
Which clearly illustrates how 1 plant species can have such different 'personalities'

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