
By Kathee

Follow the Leader

Bun-Bun put in a short appearance this morning. Mostly with his back to me. What's up with that? I hear ya,"Just sunning himself, Kathee." Plus, he didn't appear too thrilled to see me. But that's a typical reaction from those who see me on a daily basis. I captured a few shots of him grooming before the rude back-turn. Tabasco & I retreated to the house to give him a break.
Half an hour later we returned, and I saw him crawl-hopping 3 houses down. Our arrival at the fence caused a ruckus with the quail. Believe me, they hightailed it to new protective cover. A continuous flow speed-walked in a mad dash for cover.Most traveled through a small area of light. But, I had my 100-400 which is slow to focus and doesn't care to move from stills to action. I clicked 15 shots. All blurred, except, and this is the cool part, except for two. One in focus with ho-hum background, Another, this one of a female with nice background. My second photo of the quail. Earlier I captured a male sitting on our fence, and this one in a natural setting.
Is Bun-Bun my white rabbit? Wondering?

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