You say tomato, I say tomahto?

I was trying to think how I could tie the old Gershwins "...Let's call the whole thing off!...." song into this image, but my day was nowhere near that interesting I'm afraid.

Instead, you'll get the truth. This is my B's first EVER harvest from her tomato plant! Not known for her green fingers, she has managed to grow some red tomatoes! You may remember that they were green some time ago, in October actually, so they have taken over two months to ripen on the vine and have survived the squirrels.

I guess that'll be their confusion about what time of year it is. It's happening all over our garden. We have a Camelia and Magnolia that have already flowered and the second Camelia (the one in the more shaded site) is also budding.

You might say it's spring - I say it's sprung!

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