How did that happen?

So, somehow, I turned 40 today!

Still not sure how I got here....but here I am, all the same.

Had a brilliant weekend spent with lots of lovely friends who spoiled me rotten.

Took my Xmas/birthday camera on it's first trip out today - down to The Shore at Leith. Lunch in Fishers (bloody gorgeous) followed by lots of photo taking.

When I uploaded them to the computer, I noticed a fair few of them have the edge of the lens showing. I used a wide angle lens - is this normal? If not, what was/am I doing wrong?

Here's to the next 40!!! : )

**** Now realise Ive also reached my 730th blip today too!!!! ******

Wow, am stunned I made it this far! Thanks, as always, to everyone at Blipcentral, and to all the wonderful blippers around the globe who drop by and comment on my blips - I appreciate every single comment I receive, although am sometimes pants at replying (ok, usually pants). You all give me such inspiration, and now Ive got a proper, grown-up camera, I may be able to put some of the things Im planning on learning into practise - watch this space!

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