Our life with Autism

By Cjrach

52yrs of Trash

It's time to start clearing out Mums kitchen,
I can't believe the crap she has in her cupboards I've never seen so much junk,
Sorry yes I have in one of my best friends kitchens ( you know who you are ) :-))
Any way after 2 hrs I had managed to throw some away, not much, we argued no debated over everything, filled a box for the charity shop and filled 4 boxes to come back to the new kitchen.
My mum has all the original Tupperware containers which in my view are Minging but she won't part with them.
Maybe if I buy new ones when the kitchen is done she'll let me throw them out.
You would think there was a big family living there not two people.

Chris went to his play scheme tonight so we took Rach to a new restaurant that opened in New Brighton, the food was lovely but not a cheap tea out, more of a special occasion.

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