A Blip on the Reidar

By reidar

Recycling thrill-power!

Today has been all about clearing space in the very large upstairs wardrobe, and one of the items to be cleared was a huge amount of comics, primarily 2000ad.
The comic has been published for 35 years this year (I started buying it in 1985 I believe) and I've stored a near complete collection for so long now but 35 years of comics takes up an awful lot of space.
I decided to keep the first ten years worth of the comic and in a couple of years time I will hand out a weekly package of "old" comics to my kids (and me) to read. But the rest of them are heading to the great recycle in the sky.
The picture shows roughly 20 odd years of 2000ad's "thrill-power", so long and thanks for the thrills!

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