
By RockNerd

Huge Ness.

We spent the afternoon in Inverness. LOH has learned that the most efficient use of time in this situation is to park me in Leaky's second-hand bookshop while she hits the clothes & shoe emporia.
Todays purchases were "Captain Bligh's Portable Nightmare" by John Toohey, "The Scourging Angel: The Black Death in the British Isles" by Benedict Gummer (should be a laugh...) & a 4 volume edition of Cervantes' "Don Quixote".
I've always put off reading "Don Quixote" because of its hugeness, so I'm hopeing that by splitting it into more managable chunks I may actually tackle it!

(Tomorrow is our last day North of the Border before heading back to London on the sleeper train & straight to work on Wednesday morning, so I may go quiet for a couple of days.)

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