Coffee Spoons

By MissMarj

What I Did On My Holidays

Yes, you may point and shout 'Nerd' at me. I care not a jot!

I did leave the house on Sunday but the weather was so dreich and blah I wasn't inspired to take pictures of the world outdoors. Once I got back indoors I snuggled in and continued working my way through the absolutely amazing extended editions of the Lord of the Rings films. I'm now halfway through the appendices for The Two Towers and loving it.

I had worried that seeing how they managed to produce these films would somehow subtract from the magic of them, it doesn't though. The 'Making Of' documentaries and other extras show how every single person who worked on the 3 films poured their hearts and souls into them. This, if anything, has increased my admiration of them. The trouble is that now I want to get my sticky mitts on the theatrical releases so I can compare them. Yes, I am a nerd.

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