Big Sky Shutterfly

By caitthegreat

One Day, Far Away

What a difference a year makes.

On this day last year, not only did I post my first blip-I also jetted across the Atlantic to begin my Scotland adventure.

On this day last year, I said goodbye to family, my friends, my future boyfriend, my dog, and my general sense of comfort.

On this day last year, I handed over my passport and put on my boots to travel to a country where I knew no one but would eventually come to love.

In the past year I have visited five countries (that's five stamps in my previously empty passport), spent more time in the rain than I thought was even conceivable, had fun, got scared, drank legally, got a promotion, scored a boyfriend, got straight As, had two head colds, missed the bus, sat on a jury, started drinking coffee and laughed harder and more frequently than any time I can remember-and it was all captured here on blipfoto, taking one photo a day.

Now that I've reached this milestone I'm going to blip less frequently-I want to rediscover the fun in each post and never think of it as a chore.

I looked back at last year's photo of today (bangs! sleepless eyes!) and although I'm relieved that I'm not jetting off across the world today, I have to admit the dominant emotion would have to be...elation that those jeans still fit.

In today's picture I've come a a long way (no bangs! sinus infection!) and I'm rocking some new threads that I got today for my upcoming internship.

Last year a traveler, this year a working girl. In a sense I guess they both mean taking on the world...

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