my eyes they cannot lie

By girlsonfilm

Branching Out....

...crane tree

I'm still on project 1000 cranes. I can now make them without looking at the instructions. Yay!

I'm thinking of taking origami squares into meetings with I can look people in the eye. Nod and agree and leave a little bird behind when I some sort of ORIGAMI LIBRARIAN SUPER VILLAIN. Er..even though it will bring them luck. Yeah...didn't think that through did I?

It is silly but I find making them quite relaxing and its soothing to have something to do with my hands!

Eventually some of them will be perching on and hanging from a branch..but tonight I wanted to see if the idea would work so grabbed a rather fragile branch from the back and some bluetac!...and it's inspired me to carry on just blues and purples to make now.

It was Lily's 20th today - She had a good day I hope. Birthdays aren't quite the same the older you get..but I will do my best to make all of her birthdays the best ever.

Crane count is 37 x

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