Almost lights out...
I can't believe it's here so soon but it is!!! The last minutes of the Christmas holiday are finally running out and true to form I am running at the coo's tail with my blip as well as everything else. Can't believe the alarm will be going off in exactly 7 hours time (6.30am GMT) and I will ACTUALLY have to get up!!! It's the middle of the night FGS!!
Up at the new house most of today taking more measurements and making lists of stuff needed. These lists are getting scarily long. Going to have to prioritise soon as can't afford to do it all at once. I feel a 10 year plan coming on! :-)))
On the plus side, there are family things that fit perfectly with the new place and tonight we unpacked my gran's brass mirror and it is perfect in the living room. So lovely to have objects from my childhood in the house. It's the next best thing to having my gran there in person.
When I was in the kitchen late afternoon I became aware that the whole room, which is painted white, was suddenly lilac and when I looked out the window I realised the reason was this amazing sky!!! Grabbed my camera and was out the back door as fast as I could and just as well because 5 minutes later it was gone.
Right, time for zzzzzzzzzzzzz! Not long till the weekend peeps ;-))))
Damn! Just remembered I'm working Saturday!!!
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