
By tpd


This year, +1/2 and I are planning on doing a half marathon. This is tough for a number of reasons e.g. +3/3 is not yet one and so +1/2 has been out of action (sport-wise) for the last 18 months, +1/2 also has a problem knee, I'm just a lousy runner, etc. There is the small matter of being able to run for hours (!) to deal with too. And of course, the post-Christmas flabalanche (thanks to David for that great word!) to contend with.

To try and eek out every advantage, we've been fitted for shoes and they do seem to do the trick; I no longer get shooting pain in my shins when trying to run. I'm slowly (slowly!) building up the distances run.

It's going to be a long year if this running lark doesn't get easier.

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