"Just one of those days"

By LesleyAnneLaw

A is for........


My next theme/project is 26 days.....I don't think it will take much working out what this is.

I played around with my camera today for the first time since it was bought for me.... I changed the light angles the object and also used a tripod for the first time too.
I did however keep the camera on auto focus but changed the shutter speed and aperture.
Over 100 shots later I got it down to 82 which I downloaded then chose the one Mr W and I liked the look of and in the words of the late great Michael Jackson " this is it".

If anyone is interested in seeing the rest ( I really don't know why you would) just let me know, as I don't know how to do a link but will look into it.

Thanks' for looking and commenting so far this year and all advice and help still welcome.
A mild drizzly day in Yorkshire.... X

***Last weeks Theme/Project was:- photo's that corresponded with ORDINAL NUMBERS

1st = The 1st sunset of the year
2nd= The 2nd album by Nirvana, 2nd 12" single by the Foo Fighters 2nd single of The Raconteurs
3rd= 3rd place is awarded with bronze, in 1971 the 1/2 penny was made in bronze (unlike most coins that are now made with a copper component)
4th= my attempt of a 4D image
5th= This was the 5th photo taken that day
6th= F is the 6th letter of the alphabet my Fairy ballerina
7th= a 7th birthday party cake

so each date corresponded with the photo theme's ordinal number.***

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