Northern Star

By Lifferz

Sorting things can be good for the soul

Have spent a significant time this weekend sorting, filing and shreading- a job I started before we had visitors at Xmas.

Only one more draw left to do.

When I found my Blue Peter Badge I thought...blip!!!

So here is a little montage of keep sakes....A photo of Aberystwyth somewhere I lived for a few I miss the seaside! My student card (I think it was from the library!), My blue peter badge which I got for designing a cover of the radio times years and years ago- I won a limited edition jigsaw too which I later sold on ebay, a photo of a guy I met on holiday when I was about 15- he was from Germany and went on to become a mechanic I think- we were pen pals for a couple of years or so. A ticket from the Peggy Guggenheim in Vencie....somewhere I love- the Yoko Ono tree in the garden in magical like a big bonsai- perfectly formed. There are a couple of swimming badges her- I was a competitive swimmer from about the age of 10-15 or 16 and this took up about 4 evenings and 1 or 2 mornings a week- hence no real social life till I was quite old. There is also a funny cartoony badge which was the badge of a band one of my friends was in. I did the lighting for them in a gig at Aber- they were kind of heavy Indie....once I was put in chrage of the takings for the night and I recall walking down the prom with an ice cream box full of £1 coins at night- possibly not something I'd do today ;-) The final item is an envelope written by my godson... I think his mother helped him massively but it still looks cool so I kept it!

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